Search For artwork In Quotes 7

The mystical poetry of William Blake's artwork also forms the basis for the album cover.

Frank is such a great visual storyteller that if you study his artwork you see that his Sin City books are already the best movies never seen on the big screen.

I guess if you take yourself seriously as an artist there starts either the problem or the beauty of doing good artwork.

How can anybody learn anything from an artwork when the piece of art only reflects the vanity of the artist and not reality?

The alchemy of good curating amounts to this: Sometimes placing one work of art near another makes one plus one equal three. Two artworks arranged alchemically leave each intact transform both and create a third thing.

In an artwork you're always looking for artistic decisions so an ashtray is perfect. An ashtray has got life and death.

I've got some incredible fans actually - so loyal and they make me birthday cards and Christmas cards. I got this package of poems and artwork based around the songs. They've got this thing called 'Floetry' where they all have to put in artwork. They've set up their own competitions and stuff which is kind of amazing.