Search For arrangements In Quotes 10

If the individual is to be happy in the contemporary order he must be open-minded with respect to new values and new arrangements.

It is very reasonable to worry about the harm done by organized religion and to prefer looser and more private arrangements.

People who are in power make their arrangements in secret largely as a way of maintaining and furthering that power.

Most of these alternative arrangements so-called arise out of the ruins of marriages not as an improvement of old fashioned marriage.

I got a scholarship to Seattle University and I was writing arrangements for singers and everybody. But the music course was too dry and I really wanted to get away from home.

Words matter especially words defining complicated political arrangements because they shape perceptions of the events of the past attitudes toward policies being carried out in the present and expectations about desirable directions for the future.

One sure way to lose another woman's friendship is to try to improve her flower arrangements.

I learned a lot from that first record and I learned a lot from my experiences touring but really the biggest education I got over the past two years was learning the importance of arrangements.

There is still a lot of misinformation being spread about higher education funding arrangements under the new Act. The students page on my website sets out the main points in the Act.

I didn't really hear any other music other than what my dad was working on until I was 12. My recollection of hearing other music was that I liked some things that I heard but I always thought 'Where's the rest of it?' It didn't have the same amount of detail or instrumentation or imagination in the arrangements.