Search For arched In Quotes 9

My father has a pragmatic mind. He marched with Dr. King in the '60s and he's very much for women's rights.

Adele Adkins' retro-soul debut '19' was striking less for her songs than for that voice: a voluptuous slightly parched alto that swooped and fluttered like a Dusty Springfield student trying to upstage her teacher or at least update the rules.

It is written on the arched sky it looks out from every star. It is the poetry of Nature it is that which uplifts the spirit within us.

Immortality Device has been tested and researched by medical researchers all over the world from time to time. They email me and told me what they found. I post their results sometimes on my site.

Life is too short to spend hoping that the perfectly arched eyebrow or hottest new lip shade will mask an ugly heart.

It becomes a giant's task to compute the result when the effect of cross seas wind at all angles and ever varying force arched surfaces head resistance ratio of weight to area and the intelligence of the guiding power crop up.

The bottom line is that Wanda Sykes has the longest continuously documented family tree of any African-American we have ever researched.

In 1965 I marched for equality.

When they searched my car they said that they found a gasoline canister and I think duct tape. Who wouldn't have a gasoline canister on them when driving 3 000 miles across country?