Search For ankles In Quotes 10

When I do get pregnant I highly doubt I'll be one of those women who don't look pregnant from behind - I'll be that chick who looks pregnant from her ankles up!

I've always had the impression that real militants are like cleaning women doing a thankless daily but necessary job.

The office of the public teacher is an unenviable and thankless one.

I had spindly little ankles and growing up in Canada I couldn't skate. I was no good at any sports so was very much a pariah through those adolescent years.

In our nature however there is a provision alike marvelous and merciful that the sufferer should never know the intensity of what he endures by its present torture but chiefly by the pang that rankles after it.

I have no ambition to govern men it is a painful and thankless office.

An interim government was set up in Afghanistan. It included two women one of whom was Minister of Women's Affairs. Man who'd she have to show here ankles to to get that job?

If I don't get food in my mouth I'm still happy. If my pants are round my ankles as long as I don't get arrested for indecent exposure I'm happy. I'm worried about keeping my hair not how it's combed.

That is the thankless position of the father in the family - the provider for all and the enemy of all.

It's not always thankless. Let's face it - it's not always thankless. I've gotten a lot of really great recognition and I've worked with amazing people.