Search For amidst In Quotes 7

Let peace descending from her native heaven bid her olives spring amidst the joyful nations and plenty in league with commerce scatter blessings from her copious hand!

I've never believed that pop music is escapist trash. There's always a darkness in it even amidst great pop music.

The friendship we share grows amidst the craggy rock pond reeds of water spray fireflies scented with bonfires.

We are willing enough to praise freedom when she is safely tucked away in the past and cannot be a nuisance. In the present amidst dangers whose outcome we cannot foresee we get nervous about her and admit censorship.

Amidst the confusion of the times the conflicts of conscience and the turmoil of daily living an abiding faith becomes an anchor to our lives.

Amidst all the clutter beyond all the obstacles aside from all the static are the goals set. Put your head down do the best job possible let the flak pass and work towards those goals.

The stars shall fade away the sun himself Grow dim with age and nature sink in years But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth Unhurt amidst the wars of elements The wrecks of matter and the crush of worlds.