Search For activism In Quotes 8

Out of control judicial activism threatens traditional marriage in America.

I guess because the shows were activist in their own way - the marriage of my public activism and my career activism you know - people understand me very well. They also understand there's a very strong bipartisan part in all of this.

Actually oddly enough I think my work the activism will be forgotten. And I hope it will. Because I hope those problems will have gone away.

My generation of bossy confident baby-boom women were something brand new in history. Our energy and assertiveness weren't created by Betty Friedan unknown before her 1963 book or by Gloria Steinem whose political activism as even the Lifetime profile admitted did not begin until 1969.

There's enormous progressive activism and more often than not success at the grassroots level - everything from living wage campaigns to efforts to finance our elections are having terrific success.

It wouldn't be fair to say that conservatives cherish property the way liberals cherish equality. But it would be fair to say that the takings clause is the conservatives' recipe for judicial activism just as they say liberals have misused the equal protection clause.

The Body Shop Foundation is run by our staff and supports social activism and environmental activism. We don't tend to support big agencies.

That attitude that fighting is probably not fair but you have to defend yourself anyway and damage the enemy has been profoundly consequential as far as my political activism goes.

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We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be we shall fight on the beaches we shall fight on the landing grounds we shall fight in the fields and in the streets we shall fight in the hills we shall never surrender.