Search For acknowledges In Quotes 4

It is this at its most basic that makes science a humane pursuit it acknowledges the commonality of people's experience.

What is especially important is addressing the question of how religion can be enforced through political means and what can be done to create a political environment that on the one hand acknowledges the role of religion in society while on the other hand does not impose one religion on the populace at the expense of all others.

Appreciation is the highest form of prayer for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.

The church acknowledges some Scientologists choose to sever communications with family members who leave. The church says it is a fundamental human right to cease communication with someone. It adds disconnection is used against expelled members and those who attack the church.

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For myself if I am to stake all I have and hope to be upon anything I will venture it upon the abounding fullness of God - upon the assurance that as the heavens are higher than the earth so are His ways higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts.