Search For meeting In Quotes 99

There's this common perception that having a famous last name is all you need. A surname may get you a meeting but if there's no talent you won't get the part.

I've had to deal a lot with my own sense of intimidation at meeting famous people - especially actors but really any famous people.

With the counseling of my family doctor my mother ended up turning to Weight Watchers and their children's program. I went to weekly meetings got counseling and would exercise with my peers who were my size. It was the first time I saw a proper children's portion size and it wasn't two burgers it was one.

I believe that we must reach our brother never toning down our fundamental oppositions but meeting him when he asks to be met with a reason for the faith that is in us as well as with a loving sympathy for them as brothers.

We are the meeting place an entity that's trying to connect faith and culture.

I met the president when he was president-elect at a meeting in Austin. He spoke of his faith. He spoke of his desire for a compassionate conservatism for a faith-based initiative that would do something for poor people.

I'm a lapsed Quaker. I don't go to meetings any more. But I'm very drawn to Catholicism - all that glitter. I'd love to be a Catholic. I think it would be fantastic - faith forgiveness absolution extreme unction - all these wonderful words. I don't think anyone who was ever born a Catholic hasn't died a Catholic no matter how lapsed they are.

It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges and I believed in myself.

It was seldom that I attended any religious meetings as my parents had not much faith in and were never so unfortunate as to unite themselves with any of the religious sects.

The amount of meetings I've been in - people would be shocked. But that's how you gain experience how you can gain knowledge being in meetings and participating. You learn and grow.