Though beauty gives you a weird sense of entitlement it's rather frightening and threatening to have others ascribe such importance to something you know you're just renting for a while.
There does not seem to be that collegiality I referred to there seems to be much more of a them versus us attitude rather than we all have a role to play in this process so let's get on with it.
Football is my profession now. I'm getting married in August... It's a new experience for me as someone just getting out of college. I still have the same attitude about football I always had. I play hard. I enjoy practice. I'd rather be throwing in passing drills than sitting around and watching TV.
Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs. Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do.
The jokes are great but what really matters for a comedian is his performance his whole attitude and the laughs that he gets between the jokes rather than on top of the jokes.
I mean the shoe - there is a music to it there is attitude there is sound it's a movement. Clothes - it's a different story. There are a million things I'd rather do before designing clothes: directing landscaping.
Liberalism is an attitude rather than a set of dogmas - an attitude that insists upon questioning all plausible and self-evident propositions seeking not to reject them but to find out what evidence there is to support them rather than their possible alternatives.
Punk was defined by an attitude rather than a musical style.
When you have vision it affects your attitude. Your attitude is optimistic rather than pessimistic.
My attitude to peace is rather based on the Burmese definition of peace - it really means removing all the negative factors that destroy peace in this world. So peace does not mean just putting an end to violence or to war but to all other factors that threaten peace such as discrimination such as inequality poverty.