America is moving forward and gaining strength. We have been tested and we have proven ourselves to be a tough resilient and resourceful nation.
Intensity like signal strength will generally fall off with distance from the source although it also depends on the local conditions and the pathway from the source to the point.
He's an innocent in a lot of ways. He's a very simple person who really doesn't have the resources or the strength ultimately to handle the situation.
Women's strength women's industry women's wisdom are humankind's greatest untapped resource. The challenge then for U.N. Women is to show our diverse constituencies how this resource can be effectively tapped in ways that benefit us all.
The sole and basic source of our strength is the solidarity of workers peasants and the intelligentsia the solidarity of the nation the solidarity of people who seek to live in dignity truth and in harmony with their conscience.
Few men during their lifetime comes anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.
The men who have guided the destiny of the United States have found the strength for their tasks by going to their knees. This private unity of public men and their God is an enduring source of reassurance for the people of America.
Prayer is more than meditation. In meditation the source of strength is one's self. When one prays he goes to a source of strength greater than his own.
Prayer is more than meditation. In meditation the source of strength is one's self. When one prays he goes to a source of strength greater than his own.
Business labor and civil society organizations have skills and resources that are vital in helping to build a more robust global community.