Search For quiet In Quotes 134

Peace is a daily a weekly a monthly process gradually changing opinions slowly eroding old barriers quietly building new structures.

Peace has to be created in order to be maintained. It will never be achieved by passivity and quietism.

You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race.

We're living in a time when parenting is not at all mirroring the way I was parented. For me I just followed my parents around on their errands when they were busy on the phone I was quiet. It's a different kettle of fish these days: They run the house and you listen to their music and you go to their appointments.

The truth is that parents are not really interested in justice. They just want quiet.

I thoroughly enjoy getting away from the game and going out fishing because it's so relaxing so quiet and peaceful. I mean there's no noise other than nature - and it's so different from what I do in a tournament situation that it just eases my mind.

I'm really an inner spirit that only makes itself known through the music. A lot of people think I'm an introvert or quiet and moody. I've even heard some people say that there's a certain mystery or darkness about me. I'm not that way. I'm just really into what I do.

I've never had a very quiet voice. I tried in choir to make it smaller and it just didn't work out. And I listened to a lot of soul music when I was growing up on my own accord. But I was mostly into Mama Cass and Gladys Knight and they all had big voices too just different than mine.

Perhaps when music has been shouting for so long a quieter voice seems attractive.

In movies there are some things the French do that Americans are increasingly incapable of doing. One is honoring the complexities of youth. It's a quiet difficult undertaking requiring subtlety in a filmmaker and perception and patience from us.