Search For demands In Quotes 82

Leadership demands that we make tough choices.

For many members of Congress the time for choosing is near - do what the party leadership demands or do what the people have asked you to do. If my colleagues don't mind some advice from a newcomer I'd suggest going with the will of the people.

One of the surest signs of the estimated changes in the consciousness of the American proletariat is to be found in the character of the demands now being put forward by the leadership.

Job plunges into a series of demands on and accusations of God which may be and indeed are epigrams of high intelligence but are not noticeably patient.

My work requires acting at its most committed - it demands actors of enormous resilience but also intelligence and wit. It doesn't work for narcissistic or selfish actors.

Despite our very recent appearance on the planet humanity combines arrogance with increasing material demands even as we become more numerous. Our toughness is a delusion. Have we the intelligence and discipline to vigilantly guard against our tendency to grow without limit?

While the intelligence profession oftentimes demands secrecy it is critically important that there be a full and open discourse on intelligence matters with the appropriate elected representatives of the American people.

Suffering it turns out demands profound imagination. A new future has to be conjured up because the old future isn't there anymore.

Film is the manipulative medium par excellence. When you think back on the history of film and the 20th century you see the propaganda that's been made. So there are moral demands on the director to treat the spectators as seriously as he or she takes himself and not to see them merely as victims that can be manipulated to whatever ends they have.

Today the demands are for even higher standards in the quality of care for greater flexibility and convenience in treatment times and for more prevention through screening and health checks.