Search For competitive In Quotes 72

We use competitive markets to arrange for delivery of our food supply.

But because we in the United States finance our current account deficit by borrowing in our own currency we can move to a more competitive dollar without the adverse effects that followed currency declines in other countries.

Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family but once the sisters are grown it becomes the strongest relationship.

The 2010 global gender gap report by the World Economic Forum shows that countries with better gender equality have faster-growing more competitive economies.

I would have been about seven years old when the formative years of my competitive football education began. I was playing in the local leagues around Manchester playing against lads from tough areas who had been taught they had to fight for everything.

Because if you don't have a great workforce a great higher education system you're not going to have the next eBay the next AmGen the next you know Miasole and not only California but America is going to fall behind a whole new competitive context which is obviously China India and other countries.

Competitiveness is really what it costs you per man-hour to get you what you want. In other words there's an education level that plays into the mix and so if it's inexpensive to buy an hour of real good education in places like China versus the U.S. that factors in.

Now the main areas of higher education that still enjoy considerable financial support from government are subjects like engineering and science and the research ringfence which is the basic minimum to protect Britain's scientific competitiveness.

Furthermore we believe that health care reform again I said at the beginning of my remarks that we sent the three pillars that the President's economic stabilization and job creation initiatives were education and innovation - innovation begins in the classroom - clean energy and climate addressing the climate issues in an innovative way to keep us number one and competitive in the world with the new technology and the third first among equals I may say is health care health insurance reform.

America is not just a democracy it represents a certain culture of competitive mobility and personality aspirations politics is not merely a clash of interests but a clash of dreams.