Family farms and small businesses are the backbone of our communities.
When did it become a problem to be a small businessman and become successful? The small businessman - like my father or like me?
As a small businessperson you have no greater leverage than the truth.
I married two weeks after my 18th birthday far too young and by the time I was 23 I was a single mother of three small children Sean Daniel and Victoria living in a prefab house.
There is small risk a general will be regarded with contempt by those he leads if whatever he may have to preach he shows himself best able to perform.
My philosophy is not a bean-counting accounting 'look at this.' It is a philosophy that smaller government is better government and government that is closer to the people is best of all.
All I try to do is create an atmosphere that seems comfortable enough that it removes tension and everyone feels free. If they feel free then behaviour happens small moments happen and that's what ultimately works the best for me.
Holidays are the best. I couldn't imagine being from a small family.
The strength and power and goodness of America has always been based on the strength and power and goodness of our communities our families our faiths. That is the bedrock of what makes America America. In our best days we can feel the vibrancy of America's communities large and small.
The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.