Search For repeat In Quotes 90

I remember being at school during morning meeting and looking around at everybody 350 kids saying a prayer. We're all very young and no one knows what it means and I remember feeling strange that people were just repeating words that they didn't understand. I refused to participate. For some reason I always rejected it but respectfully.

The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly held that marriage is one of the most fundamental rights that we have as Americans under our Constitution.

Marriage is a lot of things - a source of love security the joy of children but it's also an interpersonal battlefield and it's not hard to see why: Take two disparate people toss them together in often-confined quarters add the stresses of money and kids - now lather rinse repeat for the rest of your natural life. What could go wrong?

Marriage is distinctly and repeatedly excluded from heaven. Is this because it is thought likely to mar the general felicity?

Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced nor can his life be repeated thus everyone's task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it.

The relation of repetitions for learning and for repeating English stanzas needs no amplification. These were learned by heart on the first day with less than half of the repetitions necessary for the shortest of the syllable series.

We must expect to fail... but fail in a learning posture determined no to repeat the mistakes and to maximize the benefits from what is learned in the process.

To remove this obstacle I repeat or refer to such knowledge as has come under my notice my own previously expressed views and also describe and exhibit my last experiments and explain their novelty and utility.

According to Richard Clarke the former White House counterterrorism chief Bush was so obsessed with Iraq that he failed to take action against Osama Bin Laden despite repeated warnings from his intelligence experts.

As Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Barak have repeatedly said the intelligence and security relationship between the United States and Israel at present is unprecedented. It has never been stronger.

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Taking it in its wider and generic application I understand faith to be the supplement of sense or to change the phrase all knowledge which comes not to us through our senses we gain by faith in others.