Search For gender In Quotes 58

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.

Most men are very attached to the idea of being male and usually experience a lot of fear and insecurity around the idea of being a man. Most women are very identified with their gender and also experience a tremendous amount of fear and insecurity.

It was the experience of mystery - even if mixed with fear - that engendered religion.

Women have talent and intelligence but due to social constraints and prejudices it is still a long distance away from the goal of gender equality.

As a partner in a firm full of women who work outside of the home as well as stay at home mothers all with plenty of children gender equality is not a talking point for me. It is an issue I live every day.

And think of how we challenged the idea of a male dominated Parliament with All-Women shortlists and made the cause of gender equality central to our government. We were right to do so.

Propelled by freedom of faith gender equality and economic justice for all India will become a modern nation. Minor blemishes cannot cloak the fact that India is becoming such a modern nation: no faith is in danger in our country and the continuing commitment to gender equality is one of the great narratives of our times.

Any serious shift towards more sustainable societies has to include gender equality.

Gender equality will only be reached if we are able to empower women.

U.N. Women was created due to the acknowledgement that gender equality and women's empowerment was still despite progress far from what it should be. Transforming political will and decisions such as the Member States creating U.N. Women into concrete steps towards gender equality and women's empowerment I think is one of the main challenges.