Search For attracted In Quotes 42

I've always been attracted to cars and driving is a completely measurable experience: if you qualify last on the grid you're the slowest and if you qualify first on the grid you're the fastest. So no one can say you're slow if you're fast and no one can say you're fast if you're slow.

If an ignorant person is attracted by the things of the world that is bad. But if a learned person is thus attracted it is worse.

What's interesting is for myself when I become really attracted to somebody I find them in my dreams... conversations nothing more.

I like the bad-boy types. Generally the guy I'm attracted to is the guy in the club with all the tattoos and nail polish. He's usually the lead singer in a punk band and plays guitar. But my serious boyfriends are relatively clean-cut nice guys. So it's strange.

The promos with all of the beautiful women probably attracted some men but the mystery story line is pretty cool. It's got that dark edge and people will watch anything funny.

I'm comfortable only when there's a mutual attraction. That's what anyone wants. If I find out she's not attracted to me it brings down my level of attraction to her. If I'm interested and find out she's not I tend to cool off.

I'm just attracted to playing people who are ostensible unlikable. That's not to say that there's something in there that makes you care. It might be that you just find them so awful that you just can't stop watching like a car crash.

Major labels didn't start showing up really until they smelled money and that's all they're ever going to be attracted to is money-that's the business they're in- making money.

A grocer is attracted to his business by a magnetic force as great as the repulsion which renders it odious to artists.

I get in trouble when I say things like 'I'm attracted to violence.' I was a pretty angry kid and I got into military history largely as a way to vent my own anger. As I got older it narrowed down to a more specific focus on individual violence. I'm just trying to understand where it came from.