Search For screen In Quotes 115

Acting is fun and I refuse to get involved in the semantics and the politics of strategy and breaking out of something or doing something because you need to do something else. For me it's all about what fuels my soul and if I'm passionate about a screenplay then that's what I'll do next.

My films are an extension of my poetry using the white screen like the white page to be filled with images.

Because I'm the author of my screenplays I know what I'm looking for. It's true that I can be stubborn in demanding that I get what I want but it's also a question of working with patience and love.

I've rarely seen video screens used well in a music concert.

I find playwriting to be incredibly difficult compared to screenwriting. Part of it is that I grew up watching movies and not watching plays.

I grew up in L.A. and I don't think I've seen L.A. onscreen in a way that felt real to me. There are definitely movies but they are few and far between.

I was going to make movies. I was the one in the family who was always rolling the video camera making movies of my brothers around town and then screening them for my parents. I still would love to make movies someday... that's something that really means a lot to me and I know I'll have the chance to do it one day.

In terms of number of movies I've been in an extraordinary amount. If you count only the minutes I'm onscreen it's not so long.

Frank is such a great visual storyteller that if you study his artwork you see that his Sin City books are already the best movies never seen on the big screen.

I don't watch the movies I make so I haven't seen 'Footloose' since it came out. You see this young hungry actor it's pretty fun. I was the only one they screen tested. It was an attempt by the director and producer to talk the head of the studio into hiring me because they didn't want me.

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I'm at peace with myself and where I am. In the past I was always looking to see how everybody else was doing. I wasn't competitive I was comparative. I just wanted to be where everybody else was. Now I've gotten to an age when I am not comparing anymore.