Search For legislation In Quotes 32

This battle for 'common-sense' gun control laws pits emotion and passion against logic and reason. All too often in such a contest logic loses. So expect more meaningless if not harmful 'gun control' legislation. Good news - if you're a crook.

A good compromise a good piece of legislation is like a good sentence or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say 'Huh. It works. It makes sense.'

I mean there's enormous pressures to harmonize freedom of speech legislation and transparency legislation around the world - within the E.U. between China and the United States. Which way is it going to go? It's hard to see.

Inflation is taxation without legislation.

All the laws and legislation in the world will never heal this world like the loving hearts and arms of mothers and fathers. If every child could drift to sleep feeling wrapped in the love of their family - and God's love - this world would be a far more gentle and better place.

What is more comforting to the terrorists around the world: the failure to pass the 9/11 legislation because we lacked 'a majority of the majority ' or putting aside partisan politics to enact tough new legislation with America's security foremost in mind?

Having yet another vote on refinery legislation that uses high oil prices as an excuse to weaken environmental protections and to give more legislative gifts to the oil industry is misguided in the extreme.

We need to accept the seemingly obvious fact that a toxic environment can make people sick and that no amount of medical intervention can protect us. The health care community must become a powerful political lobby for environmental policy and legislation.

No one bill will cure the problem of spam. It will take a combined effort of legislation litigation enforcement customer education and technology solutions.

Internet safety begins at home and that is why my legislation would require the Federal Trade Commission to design and publish a unique website to serve as a clearinghouse and resource for parents teachers and children for information on the dangers of surfing the Internet.

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You always have in the back of your mind that would be cool if you get recognized. But you can't concentrate on any of those things. You've got to just keep playing and doing your music and the rest is just a bonus.