Search For enables In Quotes 30

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.

Education enables people and societies to be what they can be.

If there is something I would like to do as President of the General Assembly it is to place more emphasis on the issue of education which enables a better life for women.

Here once again education is crucial it enables children to be become more aware of their rights and to exercise them in a respectful manner which helps them shape their own future.

When you really believe in God it gives you a courage a confidence that enables you to meet the things coming.

I think what makes our marriage work amid all the glare is that my husband is my best friend. He inspires everything in my life and enables me to do the best that I can. I want to hang out with him more than anyone.

Animals have a much better attitude to life and death than we do. They know when their time has come. We are the ones that suffer when they pass but it's a healing kind of grief that enables us to deal with other griefs that are not so easy to grab hold of.

Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.

The value of old age depends upon the person who reaches it. To some men of early performance it is useless. To others who are late to develop it just enables them to finish the job.