On the political front of course it's a zero-sum game. If it's all white males holding positions you bring 10 women in then it's 'Women are coming!' Get 10 blacks and it's 'Blacks are coming!' 'Hispanics are coming!' Zero-sum game. The seatmates might change but the chairs don't move. In the economy the number of chairs can actually increase.
Organisations are now confronted with two sources of change: the traditional type that is initiated and managed and external changes over which no one has control.
I was away from the front lines for a while this spring living with other troops and considerable fighting took place while I was gone. When I got ready to return to my old friends at the front I wondered if I would sense any change in them.
To some extent Seattle remains a frontier metropolis a place where people can experiment with their lives and change and grow and make things happen.
Mental illness is the last frontier. The gay thing is part of everyday life now on a show like 'Modern Family ' but mental illness is still full of stigma. Maybe it is time for that to change.
I just find the evangelical church too well restrictive. But the School of Practical Philosophy is nonconfrontational. We believe there are many forms of Scripture. What is true is true and will never change whether it's in the Bible or in Shakespeare. It's about oneness.
I got all the respect in the world for the front-runners in this race but ask yourself: If we replace a Democratic insider with a Republican insider you think we're really going to change Washington D.C.? You don't have to settle for Washington and Wall Street insiders who supported the Wall Street bailout and the Obamacare individual mandate.
I think clothes should make you feel safe. I like clothes you want to go to sleep in. I sometimes stand in front of a mirror and change a million times because I know I really want to wear my nightgown.
It wasn't so long ago that I was a working mom myself. And I know that sometimes much as we all hate to admit it it's just easier to park the kids in front of the TV for a few hours so we can pay the bills or do the laundry or just have some peace and quiet for a change.
What looks absolutely fabulous in rehearsal can fall flat in front of an audience. The audience dictates what you do or don't change.