The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown the complex the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.
Practically everyone in Hollywood has a neighbor who's been famous wants to be famous is famous has been married to someone famous worked with someone famous slept with someone famous been blackmailed by someone famous.
I think actors are divided into two groups: one that wants to be an actor to become famous and rich and the other that wants to be an actor because they have to be. I'm more in the second group.
Look at Gleason in The Honeymooners. He was humorous but the way he lived wasn't really humorous. He was a bus driver. Who wants to be a bus driver? He didn't have any money and he was not famous. But despite that the show is humorous.
I actually don't know anyone who wants to be famous for fame's sake at least not anyone I respect. But you need to have a certain amount of power in order to be able to do what you want.
Nobody wants to end up super rich and famous - but divorced. I'm always clear on that and try to stay on the right side of the line.
I know it's a cliche but I never wanted to be famous. I don't believe anybody wants to be famous.
I can't advise any of the young ones because I don't know what their background was but I would suggest that anyone who wants to be famous more than anything - there's a real problem.
I don't like Los Angeles. The people are awful and terribly shallow and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I'm from New York. I will kill to get what I need.
One wants to be together with one's family. That's what families are about.