Search For workers In Quotes 56

Europeans say they are proud of their social fabric of strong rights for workers and the weak in society.

The repossession by women of our bodies will bring far more essential change to human society than the seizing of the means of production by workers.

I respect the state workers and I respect their unions but we simply can't afford to pay benefits and pensions that are out of line with economic reality.

My impression is that most women public service workers have a long fuse. Precisely because they care so deeply about services more than anyone they still want to find a sensible and fair negotiated agreement. But their patience has run out.

For industry to settle in a country you first need electricity for electricity you need some trained workers for trained workers you need some schools for schools you need some money for money you need some industry.

Now workers should have the right to join unions. But unions should not be forced upon workers. And unions should not have the power to take money our of their members' paychecks to buy the support of politicians that are favored by the union bosses.

The rich man's dog gets more in the way of vaccination medicine and medical care than do the workers upon whom the rich man's wealth is built.

Nearly every study shows that competition from cheap foreign labor undercuts the wages of American workers and legal immigrants.

I worked as a lawyer as a member of the teaching staff of a technical college and then I worked principally as legal adviser to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party.

The more that social democracy develops grows and becomes stronger the more the enlightened masses of workers will take their own destinies the leadership of their movement and the determination of its direction into their own hands.

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Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us but is always the result of a good conscience good health occupation and freedom in all just pursuits.