Search For directing In Quotes 25

To attempt this would be like seeing without eyes or directing the gaze of knowledge behind one's own eye. Modern science can acknowledge no other than this epistemological stand-point.

That's what's nice about directing a film and having it done: There's nothing more I can do about it. It's done. That's it. All I can do is let it go and hope that people are kind to it.

It's so funny when you're actually directing because things start popping that you don't expect to pop and something that you think is going to pop maybe doesn't quite have the impetus that you thought it might.

People ask me if I ever thought of writing a children's book. I say 'If I had a serious brain injury I might well write a children's book' but otherwise the idea of being conscious of who you're directing the story to is anathema to me because in my view fiction is freedom and any restraints on that are intolerable.

I've been writing a lot I've a few projects I'm trying to finance I do some acting I do some directing... Apart from that if I could get lower that a ten handicap on my golf game I'd be thrilled.

Directing is a more pragmatic experience where you have to deal with the restrictions of time and money that force you to make certain decisions you don't have to make when you're writing.

I had the experience last year of directing my first feature while I had a 1-year-old son and while I was also pregnant so I am now well aware of the difficulties women who are rearing children face when they're also trying to make headway in mainstream of film.

There's a joy and a pain about directing where the dreams you have are becoming concrete but the attention to detail the need for time is such that it's overwhelming at times and the stream of responsibility.

I had always loved John Ford's pictures. And I came to love him too but I was frightened to death working for him. He used the shock treatment while directing me.

In a daydream sort of way I think it would be pretty cool to direct a movie. But I have been on movie and TV sets and know it is hard work. I like directing it in my mind. It is easier.

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You're not just going out there maybe sacrificing your own life. There's also sacrifices still going on at home. You can serve in the military and have a good marriage but you just need to be aware of it so you can take those steps to take care of it.