Search For alarm In Quotes 25

I'm not overly alarmist about it but I do think there are some worrying signs like the growing accumulation of wealth by a very small proportion of the population plus elections in the US are much more dominated by money than anywhere else calling itself a democracy.

Many of us are alarmed at the skyrocketing cost of medical care including patients who are the consumers. However medical malpractice is not the reason for these increasing costs.

A lot of people because of my contempt for the false consolations of religion think of me as a symbolic public opponent of that in extremis. And sometimes that makes me feel a bit alarmed to be the repository of other people's hope.

Mr. Speaker our Nation must no longer be complacent about underage drinking and its alarming consequences. We must bring this national public health crisis out of the shadow and into the bright light of a national priority.

If the markets had behaved badly that would obviously add to people's sense of alarm... but there has been a lot of reassurance coming particularly in the way the Brits handled all this. There seems to be no great fear that something like that is going to happen here.

The traditional spokespersons for the Evangelicals such as Chuck Colson and James Dobson have become alarmed about this drift away from the 'Family Values' issues that they believe should be the overwhelming concerns of Evangelicals. They have expressed their displeasure in letters of protest circulated through the religious media.

Our nation's Social Security Trust Fund is depleting at an alarming rate and failure to implement immediate reforms endangers the ability of Americans to plan for their retirement with the options and certainty they deserve.

Why are ecologists and environmentalists so feared and hated? This is because in part what they have to say is new to the general public and the new is always alarming.

It is not death it is dying that alarms me.

The alarm rings 4:45 again at 5 but I wake up 4:30 naturally. Shower shave orange juice perk my own coffee hear the news and the CBS car arrives 5:30.

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Liberty as it is conceived by current opinion has nothing inherent about it it is a sort of gift or trust bestowed on the individual by the state pending good behavior.