Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.
For the meaning of life differs from man to man from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters therefore is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment.
To have the opportunity to lead the Solicitor General's office is the honor of a lifetime. As you know this is an office with a long and rich tradition not only of extraordinary legal skill but also of extraordinary professionalism and integrity. That is due in large measure to the people who have led it.
Though every legal task demands this skill it is especially important in the effort to frame public policy in a way that is properly responsive to human needs and predicaments. The question is always: How will the general rule work in practice?
FOR a long time the conviction has been dimly felt in the community that without prejudice to existing institutions the legal day of weekly rest might be employed to advantage for purposes affecting the general good.
I have two different categories of favorite films. One is the emotional favorites which means these are generally films that I saw when I was a kid anything you see in your formative years is more powerful because it really stays with you forever. The second category is films that I saw while I was learning the craft of motion pictures.
Generally I like making my own mistakes and learning from them because that's what I think life is about.
People usually think according to their inclinations speak according to their learning and ingrained opinions but generally act according to custom.
In any case decisions on troop levels in the American system of government are not made by any general or set of generals but by the civilian leadership of the war effort.
I have run a general election campaign pregnant and ran Ed Miliband's leadership campaign commuting to London with a new baby so I already have my system set up.