Actually we got signed in November of 2000 with Dreamworks which is the most amazing label. We have friends on other labels and though we are not selling millions of records yet they treat us with tons of respect and give us some very good guidance.
There's such an array of brilliant roles for young women. You read all these amazing young women going through different stages in their life - different stages different fascinations different textualities different friendships.
I think women are amazing and women's friendships are like a sisterhood and we should see more of it in television and film.
I'll watch a Pixar movie over and over and over again. I'll be with friends of mine who have kids that want to watch 'Finding Nemo ' and I'm like 'Yeah okay let's watch 'Nemo' again for the seven billionth time! ' because they're amazing movies.
But it's amazing how many people think that gay men should slink off into the shadows when it comes to having friendships with children.
Recently I went to a disco with friends and all the young people were saying 'Dudamel we want to go to your concert but it's impossible because it's sold out.' It's really amazing.
I mean I've always said I have an amazing team and network of friends and people that I work with that you know inspire me and enable me to do what I do.
I was dating my first boyfriend in high school for a long time and we broke up before prom. I hadn't met anyone else that I really wanted to go with and my friends have always been amazing. So I went with my friends and got a million photos with them!
My mom was amazing. She believed in me and we were best friends.
It's amazing how coke encompasses everything in your life. Addicts cannot confront life because they only think of their next hit. I ruined life for my parents my sister and all my friends.