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Ageism works in both directions. As a teenager in the public eye people would talk condescendingly to me. When you get older there's this feeling that you have to start carving up your face and body. Right now I'm in the middle ground - I think women in their thirties are taken seriously.

The Teenage Cancer Trust does incredible work supporting and caring for teenagers and young adults with cancer and it's a cause that is really close to me and my family.

Just because you have teenagers in a movie doesn't make it a teen movie.

When I was growing up particularly during puberty in my teen years I was so miserable because I elicited so much teasing and meanness from my teenage cohorts.

I see it as more of a teenage activity than you know she's only 11 but you know I think it's great that she knows so many girls who want to play music. And I see it more as a teen activity than I do as going into music.

I'd like a pop-up magazine with 45 articles on Russell Crowe. I'm like a teenager. I'd have 'Teen Beat' if I could for grown-ups.

I had teen angst for a while but I think every teenager has the angst.

When I was a teenager I would lock myself in the bathroom for hours bouffanting my hair like Patty Duke and trying to recreate Barbra Streisand's flawless eyeliner only to comb it all out and wash it all off before stepping out into the world a butchish bisexual teen.

Teenagers today are more free to be themselves and to accept themselves.

But when I was a teenager the idea of spending the rest of my life in a factory was real depressing. So the idea that I could become a musician opened up some possibilities I didn't see otherwise.