Search For simpson In Quotes 15

Jessica Simpson is the youth ambassador for Operation Smile and an episode of The Apprentice featured a team managing a charity concert she put on. Donald Trump came on stage and pledged a donation.

It's interesting when people make comments about celebrities' weight gain or lack of weight gain as if they're a medical professional that's treating that celebrity. Like 'This doctor does not treat Jessica Simpson but thinks her weight is unhealthy.' If you don't treat her then how do you know?

I'm kind of a dork. I don't have much game. I'm not particularly comfortable in bars or clubs. I much prefer being home playing Scrabble having dinner with a couple friends going to see a movie or losing a whole weekend to Season 14 of Law and Order or The Simpsons.

President Obama has offered a plan with 4 trillion dollars in debt reduction over a decade with two and a half dollars of spending reductions for every one dollar of revenue increases and tight controls on future spending. It's the kind of balanced approach proposed by the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission.

Sometimes people get mad at The Simpsons' subversive story telling but there's another message in there which is a celebration of making wild funny stories.

We've got a bunch of new writers now who tell me they grew up watching The Simpsons. It's bizarre and they're writing some very funny stuff.

I wish I could be as thin as Jessica Simpson. I think she looks gorgeous! I have had Jessica on my show several times and I can tell you that girl is genuine and funny with a great self-deprecating sense of humor.

The humor is essentially dark for a cartoon and sophisticated. But at the same time being a cartoon gives the writers more freedom than in a normal sitcom. It always pushes the line that despite human failings the Simpsons are really decent people.

I feed my kids organic food and milk but I've also been known to buy the odd Lunchable. My kids are not allowed to watch TV during the week but on weekends even the 2-year-old veges out to 'The Simpsons.'

Look at Jessica Simpson. She's famous for being dumb. I guess it started with Marylyn Monroe and she actually wasn't that dumb but that's how she was perceived - and that's what got popular.

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In almost every country there are elements of opinion which would welcome such a conclusion because they wish to return to the politics of the balance of power unrestricted and unregulated armaments international anarchy and preparation for war.