They put chains on me they chained my waist my legs. Put me in the back of a squad car and I literally blacked out. I didn't even - there's whole pieces missing.
God's forgiveness is the only thing. And well I take full responsibility...
When you put your total faith in God no matter what happens to a person...
Oh I was never a businessman. I was a visionary a dreamer.
I started out by believing God for a newer car than the one I was driving. I...
I wanted to end my life so bad and was in my car ready to go down that ramp...
If you don't drink smoke or drive a car you're a tax evader.
He's computerized but I won't let him come on cold. I created KITT. I...
I am an artist. The track is my canvas and the car is my brush.
Week after week the heads of Red Army Intelligence received updates on the Wehrmacht's preparations.