Many kids come out of college they have a credit card and a diploma. They don't know how to buy a house or a car or health insurance or life insurance. They do not know basic microeconomics.
It is a historical error for those who were not there to just refer to August...
The relationship between the prophet and the President the priest and the...
In politics an organized minority is a political majority.
I came to the conclusion that in order to end racial barriers I needed to...
I wanted to end my life so bad and was in my car ready to go down that ramp...
If you don't drink smoke or drive a car you're a tax evader.
He's computerized but I won't let him come on cold. I created KITT. I...
I am an artist. The track is my canvas and the car is my brush.
I think Bob Costas is terrific. He's so knowledgeable. He can talk about any subject not just sports.