The best way to lose weight is to close your mouth - something very difficult for a politician. Or watch your food - just watch it don't eat it.
If you don't like the President it costs you 90 bucks to fly to Washington...
I know many writers who first dictate passages then polish what they have...
You don't have to love them. You just have to respect their rights.
Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write...
Democracy functions best when we have an active citizenry.
I've found the best way is to not be scared of the attention but to be...
What I love best in life is new starts.
Recruitment and retention are critical to sustain our Armed Forces with the...
Among the New Hollanders whom we were thus engaged with there was one who by his appearance and carriage as well in the morning as this afternoon seemed to be the chief of them and a kind of prince or captain among them.