Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you temperance and self-control diligence and strength of will cheerfulness and content and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know.
Have thy tools ready. God will find thee work.
There is a great deal of human nature in man.
He was one of those men who possess almost every gift except the gift of the...
It is only the great hearted who can be true friends. The mean and cowardly...
Democracy functions best when we have an active citizenry.
I've found the best way is to not be scared of the attention but to be...
What I love best in life is new starts.
Recruitment and retention are critical to sustain our Armed Forces with the...
Jim Bakker came along. He said Jessica Hahn listen. You're a virgin. As God as my witness. He said We need a girl that we can trust.