The truth is that our way of celebrating the Christmas season does spring...
Whether it's viewers of the show or readers of my columns and books I'm...
When we root-root-root for the home team we're rooting for our home as much...
Wal-Mart doesn't really care about your faith. Wal-Mart cares if you have...
Windows are as essential to office prestige as Christmas is to retailing.
Then when I got in the military I used to host - even in high school - I...
At school there was an annual school disco and I'd be standing in my bedroom...
No sane local official who has hung up an empty stocking over the municipal...
I'm the most inappropriate dad. I curse in front of my kids and their friends. I let my kids watch R-rated movies. I'll walk by the movie theater and say 'Let's go see that ' and my kids will say 'No it's rated R. It's not appropriate for kids.' I'm like Uncle Dad. We have fun. I don't live with them but I drive over four days a week.