What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books.
Oh give us the man who sings at his work.
A man willing to work and unable to find work is perhaps the saddest sight...
Reform is not pleasant but grievous no person can reform themselves without...
Every noble work is at first impossible.
Our government is the potent the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill it...
If you don't have a teacher you can't have a disciple.
If we can teach a teacher we can reach more people.
Everyone will tell you how rigid I am but a teacher has to be flexible. You...
Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor and your picture begins to lighten up.