American inventiveness and the desire to build developed because we were guaranteed the right to own our success.
The main thing I say on war is that we need to obey the law and formally...
I tell people I won't vote to go to war unless I'm ready to go or send my kids.
I would have voted 'no' on the Iraq war and 'yes' to Afghanistan.
In America as opposed to the old country success was based on merit.
You can take Elvis. You can take Marilyn Monroe. Success and fame will not be...
Fame and success are very different things.
It's an awesome responsibility not only to maintain the level of success the...
Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has...
So I was getting into my car and this bloke says to me 'Can you give me a lift?' I said 'Sure you look great the world's your oyster go for it.'