It is a historical error for those who were not there to just refer to August 28th as 'I Have a Dream' speech day. That is a real disservice to those who were there. It was a sad day. It was not a celebration environment.
The relationship between the prophet and the President the priest and the...
In politics an organized minority is a political majority.
I came to the conclusion that in order to end racial barriers I needed to...
Music of all arts should be expansive and inclusive.
I had never felt so lonely and so sad in my entire life.
Our hope and it's a sad hope is that... well I mean we need a tip. That's...
It's really sad that the kids today can only relate to Beethoven via a rock...
Sad and sweet and wise Here a child reposes Dust is on his eyes Quietly he...
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.