There were points in my life where I felt oddly irresistible to women. I'm not in that state now and that makes me sad.
When I am cast in a movie where I feel that the woman's part is more...
I sort of understood that when I first started: that you shouldn't repeat a...
I'm not a power person. I like everyone to be on an equal footing.
I think that's what distinguishes Schmidt really. In the movies now so much...
I had never felt so lonely and so sad in my entire life.
Our hope and it's a sad hope is that... well I mean we need a tip. That's...
It's really sad that the kids today can only relate to Beethoven via a rock...
Sad and sweet and wise Here a child reposes Dust is on his eyes Quietly he...
We live in the mind in ideas in fragments. We no longer drink in the wild outer music of the streets - we remember only.