You have this mounting aggressive ignorance with the rabbit's foot of their particular religion. You don't really have any kind of spiritual law just a kind of a rabid mental illness. The songs are a little slice of life.
We managed to put together a compilation that had some creativity to it. In...
We have a war dictator who was not elected he snuck in. so he punishes...
Sorrow is so easy to express and yet so hard to tell.
Eventually with success I started to feel more and more isolated - like I...
Civilisation has ever accompanied emigration and conquest - the conflict of...
Religion is no more the parent of morality than an incubator is the mother of...
Contradictory to my religion I think is journalism.
Religion is the idol of the mob it adores everything it does not understand.
Parenting as an unpaid occupation outside the world of public power entails lower status less power and less control of resources than paid work.