Personally I don't choose any particular religion or symbol or group of words or teachings to define me. That's between me and the most high. You know my higher self. The Creator.
I planned my success. I knew it was going to happen.
What I work hard at doing is staying on a path of being kind and showing and...
I think a lot of people have lost respect for the individual you know the...
I am not systematic at all when it comes to religion. I just love life. And...
Civilisation has ever accompanied emigration and conquest - the conflict of...
Religion is no more the parent of morality than an incubator is the mother of...
Contradictory to my religion I think is journalism.
Religion is the idol of the mob it adores everything it does not understand.
I'm a very loyal boyfriend. I'm a bit of a joker... I can be romantic but not too sickly.