Every major religion today is a winner in the Darwinian struggle waged among cultures and none ever flourished by tolerating its rivals.
The work on ants has profoundly affected the way I think about humans.
In my heart I'm an Alabaman who went up north to work.
I was a senior in high school when I decided I wanted to work on ants as a...
The essence of humanity's spiritual dilemma is that we evolved genetically to...
Civilisation has ever accompanied emigration and conquest - the conflict of...
Religion is no more the parent of morality than an incubator is the mother of...
Contradictory to my religion I think is journalism.
Religion is the idol of the mob it adores everything it does not understand.
People break down after a couple of hours. All the defenses go down and there's a kind of communication that if I spent 20 years in a living room with one of these people I would never never know as much about them as I do in that one day.