My favorite play in drama school was 'The Bacchae.' It's about a king who...
The word philosophy sounds high-minded but it simply means the love of...
Australians are coffee snobs. An influx of Italian immigrants after World War...
I have two kids career and I travel and I don't think my life is any...
I feel an intense intimacy with those who have this loathing interest in me....
We saw what happened in Jimmy Carter's administration. President Carter was a...
My relationship with the journalists who covered the campaign was...
The relationship between press and politician - protected by the Constitution...
In the world at large people are rewarded or punished in ways that are often utterly random. In the garden cause and effect labor and reward are re-coupled. Gardening makes sense in a senseless world. By extension then the more gardens in the world the more justice the more sense is created.