Men may yearn for peace cry for peace and work for peace but there will be...
Only to the extent that men desire peace and brotherhood can the world be...
Happiness and peace will come to earth only as the light of love and human...
Freedom of choice is more to be treasured than any possession earth can give.
One thing you can say about nuclear power: the people who believe it is the...
Another mode of accumulating power arises from lifting a weight and then...
Bloomberg's $50 million is not going to revolutionize the electric power...
A tool is usually more simple than a machine it is generally used with the...
I just moved into a new house so I love spending time at home. Everything for me is all about self-care because I really feel that if I'm at my best than I'm able to come to my job and really be feeling the best so if I'm not working out or going on a hike than I'm at home recharging and cooking dinner and hanging out with my cat.