And when I look at my mother I reflect on her strength and endurance. She's...
But the fact is I'm not work-identified. I'm not a lawyer or a writer. I'm a...
What I'm doing is writing stories about women who care about justice. They...
Truly I never thought of myself as writing legal thrillers and I still don't...
I try to avoid saying anything positive about any presidential candidate for...
What none of the critics positive or negative grasped was that 'The...
I try to make the good days great and take something positive from the days...
The influence of blogging is overall a very positive force in the media.
We cannot know the whole truth which belongs to God alone but our task nevertheless is to seek to know what is true. And if we offend gravely enough against what we know to be true as by failing badly enough to deal affectionately and responsibly with our land and our neighbors truth will retaliate with ugliness poverty and disease.