If I had to play only for people who liked the music because they heard it on the radio it wouldn't make me happy. That's why I'm working so hard to have yes a profile as an artist but also a profile as a DJ.
I am trying to walk a tightrope trying to keep the DJ community happy while...
I'm not the type of person to live in fear. I think positively.
I had the most reversed education possible. Every parent wants their son to...
It's nice because success has allowed me to have a blast on stage to be in...
I find that classical music helps put me in a place that is very calming and...
Music is my living. I enjoy selling my music.
One time I introduced my orchestra as the Shampoo Music Makers instead of the...
I grew up with classical music when I was a ballet dancer. Now when I have to...
As my father used to tell me the only true sign of success in life is being able to do for a living that which makes you happy.