The movies that are made more thoughtfully or made or with more ambition often get just get drowned out by the noise.
If a movie isn't a hit right out of the gate they drop it. Which means that...
Well you know what I'm 60 years old and I've been interested in politics...
It's a good question because a movie isn't good or bad based on its...
Movies absorb our attention more completely I think.
James Cameron has always been way ahead of the curve in terms of the use of...
I think filmmakers want their movies to be seen.
What bugs me is that movies don't reflect how interesting and vibrant women...
I guess I watch movies to make myself happier a lot.
I was married to someone who wanted me to change. Become more adult more responsible. I began not to like myself not like what I do. I lost my identity. Everything began collapsing around me.