My principal motivation is supporting my family which is not a bad reason for getting up in the morning. That's always been my motivation - to take care of the people who rely on me.
The most convincing argument against early parenthood is that you are in a...
The thing I care about is my weight - I'm as fanatical about it as a member...
I box for four hours a week and my diet is pretty healthy.
I have found having my dad as my North Star has worked well for me.
I knew however that the next morning after the fight I would have to get...
In the morning he was lying dead on one of the beds fully clothed. He was...
'Tis always morning somewhere in the world.
Secretary of State Colin Powell thank you so much as always for joining us...
Even though my father was a radio comedian it wasn't cool to say at a young age 'I want to be a comedian.'