As far as I knew white women were never lonely except in books. White men adored them Black men desired them and Black women worked for them.
Nothing will work unless you do.
For Africa to me... is more than a glamorous fact. It is a historical truth....
There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the...
Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry but by demonstrating that all peoples...
The most positive men are the most credulous.
In a free society the state does not administer the affairs of men. It...
No man has any natural authority over his fellow men.
Prejudices are so to speak the mechanical instincts of men: through their...
You know I've carried a weapon for 10 years never shot anybody never robbed anybody. It has saved my life twice but I know they're not toys. I practice with firearms I enjoy shooting it's a hobby of mine and I have a healthy respect for them.