My parents separated when I was four. It wasn't the smoothest of divorces but then as my mother always says you can't have a passionate marriage without a passionate divorce.
On my wedding day. I didn't want a natural blushing-bride look - I had a...
I'd never really thought about it before but now you ask I can see that how...
It's funny how intimate it feels to get a text.
I used to be hung up on my figure but it's a waste of time. I don't believe...
My wife disagrees with 100 percent of what I say. That's the same marriage I...
Other than marriage she doesn't control me and I don't control her.
Marriage is one of the most sacred human institutions. I asked our Senators...
I am a firm believer in marriage. In the future I will be married.
All architecture is great architecture after sunset perhaps architecture is really a nocturnal art like the art of fireworks.