The guys I date always want to test my strength and wrestle around. By the...
Well you know I have the utmost respect for people like Angelina Jolie and...
Since I've started fighting it has taught me a lot about self respect self...
I wake up every morning and I surprise myself. I wake up to a new me.
Belief and knowledge are considered to be two different things. But they are...
Here class attendance is expected and students are required to take notes...
Solitude can be used well by very few people. They who do must have a...
My father was a lawyer and to my best knowledge nobody in my family before...
If the amount of money going into the war economy were invested in landscape restoration we would be in a far more positive position. It may get a little dire before we pull together but I think when the prosperous nations and in particular the U.S. realize they're wrecking their own kids' lives there will be a mass change in value.